'Not Still Life'

My Bride has always been a talented artist. She took scientific illustration courses back in university, and loved art class all through school. But like with a lot of things, adulting seemed to get in the way for many years.

A couple of years ago, she picked up her sketchpad and started drawing again, which led to watercolors and painting.


Yesterday, she surprised me with this portrait of our two resident gobbler goofballs.

I love the capture of their curious expressions - they really are just two big old feathered weirdos, who want to know if you’ve got a treat or something interesting going on. They’re dorks - I’ve had to herd them back out of the road a few times now. When I hear horns honking and see traffic at a stop, I know they’ve been wandering a little too boldy. But they’re always glad to see me and happy to be shown the way back.

I think this is my Bride’s way of acknowledging how much she’s enjoying their company as well.


It seems it's a week for turkey content

My morning meeting with my senior technology leadership team was interrupted by a knock on the door.

“Um… Do you own two turkeys?”


Our feathered explorers had wandered into the neighborhood across the street and down the road.

Once they lose sight of the house or barn, these two knuckleheads don’t seem to have any clue how to find their way back home. They spotted me with an expression of turkey-relief and gladly let me walk them back.


Thankfully, we have lovely neighbors, who thought it was all highly amusing to see me herding these two bright sparks back to the farm. I’m sure we’ll be the source of (more) stories around the dinner table this evening.