'Die, GI Infidel!'

U.S. hostage appears to be toy
A photograph posted on an Islamist Web site appears to be that of an action figure and not a U.S. soldier being held hostage. Liam Cusack, the marketing coordinator for Dragon Models USA, said the figure pictured on the Web site is believed to be "Special Ops Cody," a military action figure the company manufactured in late 2003. ... A U.S. military assault rifle was pointed at its head. It appears that "rifle" was part of the plastic weaponry that came with the action figure
'If you don't concede to our demands, we shall melt your GI Joe doll with a magnifying glass! We shall not let him go over to Barbie's Dream Ski Chalet! We shall put him in compromising positions with My Little Pony! Yours truly, Destro & Cobra Commander
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How do you wax a whale?

Surfer rides a whale - SAN CLEMENTE, California (AP) -- A surfer says the swell he was riding on a recent trip turned out to be more than just a wave -- it was a whale. Spyros Vamvas, a 60-year-old San Clemente therapist, felt the ocean swirl under him and was lifted up by the giant mammal. "All of a sudden I just felt, wow, this huge noise and bump," said Vamvas, "and it lifted my board up. I'm looking down, and there's just swirling water and I see barnacles on the back of the whale. I'm used to dolphins. This was different. It was huge." As I don't actually believe in whales (I lived 6 years on the coast of California: right on whale-migration central. You'd have thought that in all that time I'd have seen at least ONE whale in the ocean), I can only suppose this is part of the grand Disney whale-motronics propoganda conspiracy. Don't believe me? You'll notice no one actually had a camera handy...
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