This is totally a vanity post

Holy shit! I'm in a magazine, Batman!

I was interveiwed last month by SAP Netweaver Magazine, a publication for those in the SAP business. You know, that thing that you see every other billboard at the airport declaring the Germanic virtue of: "Lufthansa runs SAP", "The Body Shop runs SAP", "The Piggly Wiggly runs SAP".

OK, I might have made that last one up.

Anyway, I was interviewed about moving to Europe, and building an international team to support SAP at our work. And now that's me! On page 46! Being quoted! About things! That sounds not stupid! I've no idea who those bald guys on the cover are! This is fascinating material, people, and made it into a magazine published quarterly, with at least 3 or maybe even 4 subscribers who might make it to page 46. That doesn't count the copies I've ordered to send to every member of my family to read. Because they need to know what a COE is. And I enjoy torturing them.

If you're desperate to learn more about how you can evolve your globally distributed ERP Center of Excellence into an agent of change, and would like to read the whole article, you can get it online here. Or just ask, and I'll send you a dozen copies of the magazine. Because I've got a stockpile of hundreds. I'm thinking of trying to convince my Bride to send it out as our Christmas card this year.