Funny, funny stuff

Ashtanga yoga: the action figures
Karai: "Good morning. I'm Karai, and I'll be teaching your class. I am the highest-ranking member of the Foot Clan, archrivals of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Also, these are my weapons and that's my extra head."
Karai: "And continue your vinyasa by arching up, then jumping back into plank, and scooping up into urdhva mukha svanasana." Naruto: "Dude, do you have any idea what she's talking about?" Pirate: "Aye, I've been practicing ashtanga yoga for twenty-five years."
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New finds

Three things which will make your time on earth better and more complete: 1. This juicer. This is the culmination of 5,000 years of juicing technology. It juices lemons/limes with such ease that I shed a small tear of happiness each time I use it. It is an engineering marvel nearly as perfect as the pyramids or the Spitfire. I have banned all other juicers from my kitchen. Except the one I use for oranges because this one's not quite big enough. 2. Heroes. Because you need more quality TV programming in your life. We just started seeing this show over here in the UK. After 2 shoes, I am irrevocably hooked. At least until they screw it up. 3. Razorlight. Very, very cool music. Very new British punk meets radio-playability. Buy it. Love it. Play it loud in your car with your windows down so that your neighbors can enjoy it as much as you do.
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